Fortnite’s new Limited Time mode is one more crossover event with Marvel, this time promoting the epic conclusion towards the Infinity Saga with Avengers: Endgame. As predicted by data miners, with fortnite new patch notes went live, Thanos come back within this new mode, but this time mixes up heroes and villains and gives everyone something new to perform. So, how can you win in the Avengers: Endgame Mode?

Learn Each Side’s Goals

The heroes and the Chitauri (led by Thanos) are the two sides in the Endgame mode. The Chitauri’s goal is to capture all of Thanos’ Infinity Stones, each with more power. The purpose of the heroes is to prevent the Chitauri from getting the stones. The Chitauri has 100 lives collecting stones, and once those lives disappear, they will not respawn again. If the heroes destroy all the Chitauri, then the hero will win.

Who Gets To Be Thanos?

Someone who first on the Chitauri side to pick up an Infinity Stone would become Thanos. After that person dies, players from the Chitauri team will be randomly selected to become the new Thanos.

The Powers that Thanos Gain With Each Stone

  • Reality Stone (Red) = Heath & Shields doubled (1000->2000)
  • Soul Stone (Orange) = Siphon activated (grants Thanos shields only)
  • Mind Stone (Yellow) = Jump height doubled
  • Space Stone (Blue) = Ground Pound AOE size tripled, damage x6
  • Time Stone (Green) = Big knockback added to each hit, damage x3

Locations Guide to Find Avengers Weapons

Fortnite Avengers Weapons

As a hero at the beginning of each game, you will start off having a treasure map in your inventory that shows you exactly where it is possible to get a special Avengers weapon, where you can discover Iron Man’s Repulsors, Hawkeye’s bow, Thor’s Stormbreaker ax, and Captain America’s shield. In case you get one particular you don’t like you may also wander the world searching for other treasure maps and chests, which can offer you various weapons. Since the Infinity Stones do not spawn until a couple of minutes into the game, it is usually a great thought to go weapon hunting early on.

The Way to Defend the Infinity Stones

To defend the Infinity Stones, an effortless way is to eliminate all the Chitauri which are wanting to get them. The Stones take a couple of seconds to gather, so once Chitauri reaches them, you have enough time to stop them. One more useful tool can be built. If you have a few quiet seconds near the stone, try to build a structure around it. The Chitauri can easily break it, but anything that slows them will make the stone easier to protect.

What Are You Supposed to Be Done as the Chitauri?

Your target is usually to get the Infinity Stones. But in some cases, this is not easy. Many of the time, you are throwing yourself at enemy heroes and trying to overwhelm them. In an attempt to kill a hero may be a useful way to buy time for your allies, but this is not the primary aim. In the event you get a stone, you can build around it. This will be able to give you plenty of time to protect it for Thanos without worrying about being hit by a hero.

Fortnite’s Endgame mode is definitely still Fortnite, but it’s different from the previous game mode. It is more about fighting within an enormous battle and employing the best weapons fortnite than it is about constructing. But if you want to succeed in this mode, you still need to mix some Fortnite tricks to collect all the stones or keep them away from Thanos’ gauntlet.